Friday, June 28, 2019

PRIDE means something special to each person, and everyone is entitled to experience it in the way they choose. What I love about PRIDE is the attitude of acceptance. When I first moved to NY I felt so enamored by that exact feeling. I had grown up in a conservative, religious culture and I felt oppressed by pressure to look like everyone else and be like them. Clones. No individuality. No diversity. NY on the other hand, was full of everything and everyone I could imagine. And I remember thinking to myself, “I could walk down the street naked and no one would even care!?” I lived on the corner of Tompkins Square and the pride parade came down St Marks place and hit the park. It was the most spectacular thing I had ever seen! So many people just being exactly who they were, with no one telling them how to dress or act. So amazing and and inspiring.🏳️‍🌈✨🖤 Today I am honored with a few opportunities to promote and support pride, and to spread some love around NYC, and give back in a way, to the city that allowed me to be myself. And as you think about who YOU are and what pride means to YOU, LETS PUT OUR HANDS TOGETHER!!!! And join me in SPREADING LOVE as far and as wide as we can! 🌈🖤🙏🏻 Happy Pride Everyone ⭐️🤘🏻🏳️‍🌈 Art by Jason Naylor